Friday, November 1, 2013

Articles and Posts read

El Parlamento Europeo otorga a la PAH el Premio Ciudadano Europeo 2013
Aprendiendo a construir catedrales
Un heroico Nadal vence a un irreductible Djokovic

Learning and software craftsmanship
All models are wrong…
Fix your Pebbles
On Simplexity
Selected TDD Resources To Start
Roman Numerals Kata with Commentary
A fundamental design move
The birthday greetings kata
Code Smell Of The Week series
Open-Closed Principle in SOLID Object Orientation Rules Challenged
Straw Man TDD
Los "malos olores" del código
SOLID by example
Refactoring is Sloppy
SOLID Code for SOLID Reasons
Why shorter methods are better
The abuse of refactoring
Ports and Adapters With No Domain Model
Mi carrera de desarrollador de software: ¿hacia dónde la enfoco?
TDD tetris tutorial
Hexagonal architecture in JavaScript
The Liskov Substitution Principle Demystified
GitHub is the new resume, and you don’t have to be a God of Programming for it to work
The Pragmatics of TDD
The Mind-killer
Is Design Dead?
Classic TDD or "London School"?
My relationship with SOLID - Starting with S
How much will you be worth in five years? Your Personal Technology Roadmap
Growing software from examples
PatternCraft series
Guiding Software Development with Design Challenges
Functional Programming Patterns in Four Popular Javascript Libraries
Practices Versus Etudes
Book Club: Hexagonal Architecture (Alistair Cockburn)
State vs. Interaction Based Testing Example
"Tell, Don’t Ask" Object Oriented Design
¿Está pasando España de comprar desarrollo software a Asia o Latinoamérica a ser el país que se lo vende?
Patterns as a source of freedom
Thelonius Monk teaches Software Design
A good name is about an idea, not an implementation
Naming From the Outside In
A brief tour of RDD in 2004 de Rebeca Wirfs Brock
Serendipity and False Pride

Spain and Europe
Thoreau, apóstol del 15-M... de 1845
"Decepciona ver tanto potencial científico en España que no se pueda desarrollar"
Temporeros castigados en la pensión por las uvas de Francia
Un 22% de trabajadores alemanes perciben sueldos mínimos
España, eclipse solar
Estrasburgo pide dación en pago o renegociación para familias en quiebra
Así se rascan el bolsillo para invertir en Ciencia y Salud miles de ciudadanos anónimos

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